Thursday, December 3, 2015

When You Lie Down Lullabies and Scripture Songs- Review

I am a huge fan of Seeds Family Worship. Their mission is to place God's Word into homes around the world.  I believe this is truly their passion and not just words alone. Seeds puts this goal into practice with their "buy one give one" policy. Each CD purchased includes 2 copies- one to keep and one to give away. I was pleasantly surprised to find this also true of the digital download version.

When You Lie Down Lullabies and Scripture Songs is the latest album released by this company. The songs are peaceful and soothing. The lyrics point to the rest we find in Christ. I  love that each song comes straight from Scripture (no fluff added). My kids only have to watch a movie one time and can sing lyrics from the songs. So what better way to instill God's Word on their minds and hearts than through music?

Many songs directed at children are annoying for the parent to listen to. Not so with Seeds! I enjoy the music as much as my children and perhaps even more. When You Lie Down Lullabies and Scripture Songs is a quality product that I am pleased to recommend to my friends and family. Well done, Seeds Family Worship!

Disclaimer: I received a free download of this album from Seeds Family Worship in exchange for an honest review of their product.